Shauna’s Weblog

Archive for September 2008

As I sniff and sniff and sniff
All I can think of is fish
It smelled almost like the ocean
Reminding me of this foot lotion
Even after we left I couldn’t get rid of this smell
Almost like my friends stupid voicemail
It actually smelled good for the first time
But you would never know from my lame rhyme

In this blog entry I hope to accomplish something that seems a little difficult. I want to describe to you how important my sense of smell is. After my peers and teachers read this hopefully they will learn a little more about how much I love my nose. This is a descriptive type of writing, and it serves as a way of making me realize how much I take my nose for granted sometimes.

One Day, you wake up and your nose is no longer there. What would you do, how would you react? I would be shocked, and very displeased at how different my face looked. I love my nose and everything it does for me. It has helped me through many situations. It’s a sense that I find myself using very often. Even when I’m trying not to use it, it always finds a way to work its magic.

In her book A The Natural History Of The Sense, Diane Ackerman says that smell is the mute sense, the one without words. Also how it’s impossible to describe a smell to a person that hasn’t smelled it. I never really thought about this until she mentioned it. She’s basically saying that when we smell something it’s hard to put it into words for someone. How do we describe it to a person? What words do we use?(6-7)

Without our sense of smell we would not be able to know what grandma is cooking for breakfast, even before we even get out of bed. We can smell things from very far distances. It does not have to be right in front of our faces to know what it is.. I believe that the sense of smell heightens all other senses, it gives me something to look forward to before I even get there. How important is my sense of smell? Very important things would not be the same without it.

Ackerman, Diane. A Natural History of The Senses. New York: Random House, 1990.

I achieved my goals by doing what I said I would accomplish. I explained the importance of my sense of smell. I think that I could have used some more examples or situations, but I kept it safe and short. I don’t want to get too much into things because I get scared that I will start rambling and running on. I stuck to the genre that I started with and hopefully I interested my readers.

Munchy Mush

Don’t let the name discourage you, its actually very delicious and nutritious. Try it now

Crunchy and Munchy, Zoofunchy

Try our fun little animal crackers straight from the zoo, Its a kids

I know your probably thinking what the hell,Candy Milkshakes. Well in my blog today I hope to accompish something that I have never accomplished since I started this class. I hope to write a blog for me something that I am interested in. I also want to interest other people in something crazy that I like.This writing serves as a training process for me to become the best writer I can be. For me to loose that fear and gain some confidence in my writing. This is a recipe genre on how to make and enjoy this special type of milkshake. Im writing this for my peers and teachers to read and enjoy.

As I was sitting in class all I could think of while my english teacher talked was this extreme craving that I was having. It was a double craving, I wanted some gummy bears mixed with a thick strawberry milkshake. This is not like a regular milkshake you have the choice of eating it with a spoon or a straw there’s only one warning about using a straw(you dont get to enjoy the flavorful candy pieces).It’s very quick and easy also very refreshing. I advise people that this is a very addictive treat and can also cause a major sugar rush, resulting in a bad headache.

Okay the steps are pretty simple, first you need your ingredients, a milkshake(I prefer mcdonalds strawberry milkshake), your favorite candy and a blender. First step: Put your candy in the blender Second step: Pour your milkshake into the blender. Third and Last step:Blend the two together. When your done, I would refrigerate it for about a half an hour, then enjoy. I promise you’ll never forget this “all natural” flavorful, sweet treat. Ever sinced I tried this I couldn’t stop eating it. Kids would love this treat it would become so popular so quick. As I write about it it makes my mouth water, I can just taste it.

This treat helps me when Im blogging and I run out of things to say. Its an energybooster and it keeps me going all the way to the end. I can taste this treat just by thinking about it almost as if its instilled in my brain. A Natural History of The Senses, Diane Ackerman can describe it better,when she said this:
Taste is an intimate sense.We can taste things at a distance.And how we taste things,
as well as the exact makeup of our saliva, may be as individual as our fingerprints.(128)
When I eat candy milkshakes its like it sends this sensation through my body. To me taste is just a sensation so you think that this would happen with everything I eat, but it doesn’t.

Ackerman, Diane.A Natural History Of The Senses.Vintage Books Edition,1990

In this blog I think I definantly did what I wanted to and that was write something that interest me. Now I can always go and look back at this and read it. I also hope that I interested someone else in the process. The only thing I have problems with is staying focused and writing the amount that is supposed to be written.I always run out of things to say very quickly but I am going to work on that.

I am a writer for the New York Times, and I am interviewing the painter of the Hills Have Eyes. I think the one thing that everyone wants to know is why you named such a beautiful painting the Hills Have Eyes?

Painter:I named it that because I want people to look beyond the picture, look deeper and see what it really means.

Shauna: As I stared at this picture, I tried to find that thing your talking about and I must be blind cause I dont see it. Why do you trick people this way

                 The Hills have Eyes

This painting really speaks to me. As I look at it the green landscape and the cascading river I can only help but wonder what lies beneath. On the outside you see this beautiful lovely town, but if you look closer you will see the true meaning behind this picture. Nothing can be this peaceful, I think that the painter wanted the viewer to look closer into the picture

Dora lost her teddy bear in the lake and now its drifted all the way down towards the cornfield. She needs help getting there to get it before she has lost it forever. She decided to go to boots house and get him to help her. They decided that they are gonna go through MR BONKERS FARM, over the BRIDGE, and through the SCARY STICKY JUNGLE  of trees. Now Mr Bonkers doesn’t let anyone on his farm so they decide to run and as they run the bridge begins to fall so they look in the BACKPACK BACKPACK and get a flyer machine and fly over to the mountains. As they get to the mountains they get stuck and decide to eat they sticky honey, swim through the lake and saved the bear.

My goal is to describe a time when something I saw was different from reality,When seeing wasn’t really believing. Writing about this will help me to learn how to express myself and what I went through. I might not be the best writer but writing these blogs every week will surely help me in the long run. Each one I write will be better than the last, thats what I hope to accomplish. The people who I know are gonna read this are the people in my group I guess thats who I’m writing for and of course a grade.

As I sat here and thought about a time when seeing wasn’t believing, I really couldn’t think of one single time that I felt that way. Everything I see I thought I believed but as I thought about it I noticed that I don’t. I see things all the time and in my mind I cant believe or maybe I just dont want to. Like on t.v I see people who go away to college and they make it seem so easy. I mean they just breeze on by like everything is just so fun. As I watched this, I noticed that in my mind I would believe these things.

So of course when I arrived to school I had that type of mentality as what I watched on t.v. I thought everything would be so easy to figure out. But it wasn’t, and I saw that this was reality and I wasn’t ready for it but I had to be.Things weren’t that easy some things were actually a little confusing and took me some time to figure it out. As I started class they were kinda easy but as thet progressed they became a little more difficult. I have to study and pay attention and I can’t party all the time I have to be focused to pass.

So now when I think about it I realize that all that I thought before was not reality it was t.v. But seeing that all the time made me think that it was true. I guess in some ways it can be but not if you want to pass and do something with your life. So since I believed that when I came here I didn’t know what this was, it seemed wrong. Just like in Plato’s story when the cave dwellers came out the cave they didn’t believe what they saw because it wasn’t what they were used to seeing. So in some ways seeing can be believing and sometimes it’s not.

I think that I achieved my goals I started off not remebering a time and actually came up with one. I explained how I was put in the same situation that the cave dwellers were put into. Now that I related myself to this story I now understand it more than before. It actually makes more sense it seemed unrelevant before.

The goals that I want to acheive I have not acheived yet. How I plan to acheive my goals are to work hard and never give up. I plan to focus and learn from my class on how to become a good writer.Writing was never really important to me but I know its something that I am always gonna have to do no matter what. I actually try to avoid it as much as I can but as you can see thats not really working for me. I actually want to be a better writer so that I wont be so afraid to write and have the confidence to do more writing. These are my goals I plan to achieve in my english class this year.

September 2008